ETA: I wrote without a prompt tonight, woot! Unexpectedly and to my delight found myself in my WIP after all. Still, I'd love to have some prompts available for the next few days just in case, if anyone wants to leave any.
Well, I might be in need of some prompts? I don't want to re-immerse myself in my huge WIP tonight and I can't start my Yuletide yet. If anyone wants to drop a prompt or two, I might be able to write 100 words or so to it.
I'm feeling quite shy and worried about this, as I'm extremely rusty. But... yeah, it'd be nice to warm up a bit.
I might not be able to use them after all, so just know that. Having said that, I'd love prompts! Any fandom I've ever written or expressed an interest in, or prompts for original fiction -- anything!
Thanks, everyone - and if I write any I'll post them in replies here. Though I'll be scared about that as I'm going for stream of consciousness here at first, haha, no or little editing.
Uh, obviously the prompts need to be for very small things! Tiny moments in time or contained worlds or even perhaps a summary of an entire relationship haha if it's the Spark Notes version.
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My Dreamwidth. Comment in either place. <3