Because polls are fun! Remember, you can edit your responses, and leave some blank and come back or never finish, whatever. Just for fun: no one's grading you. :D
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I am still using because it seems lots of the younger Percy fans are on there and they are so used to crappy fanfics there that I can get a lot of positive attention for even a mediocre fic.
I hate Tumblr because I can put hours into something gorgeous and because I'm not Tumblr famous no one sees or cares and it never gets noticed. But that's where most of the Percy fandom is so posting it at LJ it also doesn't get noticed. OH WELL.
I don't suppose you have any Percy recs??? it's a fandom where I'm having a tough time finding good fic. I've mostly been looking on A03. Hadn't really checked out for fic.
I probably do but I don't do a great job of keeping track of things I've read. I mean, I have read good fic but I'd need to track it down. Is there anything in particular you are/are not looking for?
I hate Tumblr because I can put hours into something gorgeous and because I'm not Tumblr famous no one sees or cares and it never gets noticed. But that's where most of the Percy fandom is so posting it at LJ it also doesn't get noticed. OH WELL.
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