1. I have TWO gifts in my AO3 gift basket -- I first noticed it a couple of days ago but couldn't post about it -- meaning that someone wrote me a Treat as well as a main story, and this is my reaction: adlkjfaslfjldskjfaskj!!! I've been so focused on writing that I haven't completely considered the incredible fact that someone(s) WROTE ME A STORY in one of the small fandoms of my heart Ahhhhhhhh and I'm getting SO. EXCITED.
2. I feel already so very showered with gifts (TWO fics waiting for me eeeeeee), but just in case anyone's looking, I do have a Dear Writer letter and it's tagged, but here's the link to save time:
on LJ;
ON DW 3. I just completed my final edit on my main Yuletide assignment, and I have to say that though there are certainly things I could do more/better, I'm still so in love with these characters and, well, writing that fic just gave me so much joy.
4. Now we come to the BEARS, aka my Pinch Hit. Proof that having a good idea is not enough to make a good story! And that two days is not enough for someone of my capabilities to write a great story! Not that that is in any way surprising! I just have to give huge hugs to the various friends who are/have been working to try to Fix Things and keep me going, because Pinch Hits are SCARY YO.
5. Oh. I suppose I'm supposed to make Christmas happen around here? *peers around at house and family* But I want to work on my fic! *whine* Okay, taking a deep breath and diving in to the Pinch Hit and getting a holiday ready. *cracks knuckles* Words, obey me!
6. Happy Holiday of whatever type(s) you celebrate to everyone. I hope you are enjoying a bit of rest, a bit of family, or joy in some form or another. <333
Also posted at
My Dreamwidth. Comment in either place. <3