Moms Birthday Tomorrow...Wow

May 05, 2008 22:45

My mum will be 68 tomorrow. Wow. It just hit me. She had me when she was 40 yrs old so I always got that is she your grandmother thing from peers. I'm sort of stunned. I can't believe she is going to be 68. I'm gonna be 28 the end of the month. *shakes head* Where does the time go? I haven't done nearly enough. I need to go see my mom!! I haven't seen her in yrs. Mainly because planes make me panic. She's supposed to come out in Oct or so. I'm looking forward to it. I just hope meeting all my eclectic friends doesn't kill her. LOL I love you guys!!! *GRINS* She really doesn't know much about me. She doesn't know I'm bi or Witchy or anything. Ok she does know about the bi thing, but she is good at forgetting things that bother her. *G* She can't see it so it ain't there. LOL Hope you are all having a good night. Remember my mommy tomorrow for me. *HUGS* TTFN

mom, birthday

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