I need a new housey icon! Today the estate agent called to say the vendor's vendor had had an offer accepted on a chain-free house and we should expect to exchange within 28 days. 28 days?! I need to find out what this means as I need to give two months notice on my flat. Many phone calls to make tomorrow!
Dispatched Kev to get Stork to make butter icing with (as current butter gets too melty) only to discover I had no icing sugar. A clever baking friend suggested chocolate spread, so I have made chocolate spread butterfly cakes instead! They sort of work...although in this heat they are also a bit melty so I have put them in the fridge. Hopefully they will survive to be nommed by
omylouse and
lemming_man tomorrow. Geek meet and pub food: yay!
- 3/10 complete - break tomorrow!
- 2/2 complete - only managed 16 lengths as the pool was full of idiotic children, old enough to know better!
- Done
- Mary winolj suggested I learn to knit (I have sticks and a book) and donate the stuff for the homeless. Not sure how tis works but it sounds like a winner!
- Been very good today
- This isn't working. I feel as if I am too busy to find five minutes to do it. I need to think about when in the day it fits in.
ION Polly just got chased down the road (farm) by dogs. I went after her and no evidence of capture, met posh lady who lives on farm currently and has just bought a farm of her own, but no Polly. Must. Not. Worry.