Apr 21, 2005 19:33
well hey i'm back from hawaii. and i really don't have that much to say about it. it was fun and all but most of the stuff we did i have already done the only cool part was that i got to go snorkling. that was fun i got to see all the cool little fish. well they were not really that little they were kind of big. i mean when you go to the auqurium and see fish there behind glass so they look a lot smaller then what they really are. so when you get in the water and see these really big fish it cool it like the fish got 3x bigger. and the fish are so colorful it's great. and i got to see the state fish(yeah i know there state fish who know) it really cool fish and it name is Humuhumunukunukuapua`a in the fish is olny like 6 inch's long so it';s one tiny fish with a really long name. but i like it. but yeah that really all that i did that was new over there i'v done all most every thing you can do over there i mean come on when you start to know how to get to the the other side of the island or where there local costco is you've been there to much. that and i'v spent my brithday there twice now, celabrtaed easter,valentines day and 4th of july you've been there to much ok well i'v stared reambling again sorry ok well i'm going to go oh sorry i don't have pic. mom printed all the pic. on my grandpas camer printed thingy so there not on the computer and there not on the memory card and i don't have a scaner. so no pic. sorry not my fault.