my god it's 12:30 at night

Jan 28, 2006 00:32

it's 12:30 at night and yet i'm still up on my computer cause it is in my room now and it's there so it's like i can get on the computer and do abustly nothing till i fell like going to bed which almost never happens i normaly just say to my self go to bed you have school tomorrow you to sleep so i do but not right now cause it is the weekend and i have nothing better to do. oh and my space sucks the only good thing about it is that every one is one except the cool people who are still on LJ cause it's rocks and is what an online journal should be easy to use and just for right down what is going on in your life so your friends can know. cause my space is like every thing on the internet wraped in to one and compleatly pointless. i love LJ i really do. ok just needed to get that off my chest. so yeah what has been going on in my life well my arm hurts for reason i can not say. and now you all are going to be like why the hell dose arm hurt and want to know but i'm not going to tell you so hahahaha. man i feel like some rich kid i have a computer with internet in my room,an i-pod, a cell phone, and let not froget the stero system and tv oh and the water bed oh well it's not fult my perents love me but i don't desirve all this stuff really i'm not that good a kid but yet i have it all ok now i feel like i'm braging which is not a good thing. man i'm tired but i don't want to go to bed. ph i have to tell nych i'm sorry cause i stared to play WoW and he hates that game. oh and you know how in teen ,movies there is guy/girl that is frineds with the other gender and the really like them but the other person is interasted in someone eles i now know how it fells to be that person and it sucks but i think i have lived through worse. and now i'm going to go to bed by froce ok. nighty nighty. 
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