monday, i skipped school to mug for psychology
tuesday, we walked all over some factory places which was fucking irritating but also picked saga seeds/ate old man ice cream which made chloe v delighted. went down to IKEA and i bought a red velvet kiddy bedspread, teacup & saucer, wrapping paper, and a poster of some lacey tights. pretty DOPE huh
time for an extreme closeup
wednesday, me and mar had bubble tea revival and i got some NICE SHOES from converse, the red ones with red stitching.
most hilarious phrase on friendster is "LOCAL SCENE TO THE XTREME"
thursday, i told myself to stay home and finish all my submissions but spent the day sleeping.
friday, was super duper LAME.i got a scarf then we saw some people who crawled out from the dustbin, itwas non stop hilarity esp when chloe suddenly shouted DXXXXXX HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAAHAHAHA he mst have gone home and cried emo tears, i was pretty much dribbling ribena all over mysel;f in laughter while ppl started fleeing from us. we listened to BLURSABIAN and morrisSEY and MICHAEL, then went to starbucks jabbering about emo stuff nonstop
saturday, attended an NE talk which was damn bloody lol, then mar bought her camera and we walked in the smoky smoky town to buy STCIKERS (new obsession) and i also got this flowery notebook from borders. hahhhahaha ahahahah check it force vomit are practically playing at my doorstep but i am too damn shagged to go down and see @£&*^4w68q76wsfahkj ok, next week!
oh my fav AC girls how i love you!!!!!!!!!