Ramble ramble

Mar 29, 2009 11:01

What's that? Yes, it's me rambling....

  • 11:01 @ southernmuse Too bad MS doesn't realize it'd be easier to do that. #
  • 11:44 @ spotzilla Oooooh! Fancy! :) #
  • 12:09 @ spotzilla Nice! #
  • 14:38 Heading to Kroger with mom. I need to get a few things at Wal-Mart too, but I don't know if we're going there today. #
  • 17:10 @ lindseymoon You might be moving to Jackson?!?! That's great! Means we can have girls' nights more often and you won't have to travel far. #
  • 17:37 Mmmmmmmmmm spaghetti for supper.....*drools* #
  • 18:04 @ lindseymoon Ice cream for dinner! Lucky! #
  • 19:58 Just watched Frighteners. Now fixin' to watch Wes Craven's New Nightmare. I'm in the mood for scary tonight...wish I had more scary movies. #
  • 20:16 Just realized I own 13 Ghosts, but I can't find it anywhere. I musta loaned it to mom, but it's not in the living room either T_T #
  • 22:18 Think I'll watch The Amityville Horror now. This is the old one mom has...not the newer version. #
  • 22:40 I think I've maybe talked to Donald all of 5 minutes total today if that much....& that was on Google Talk. :( #
  • 22:42 Guess I shouldn't be concerned with him if he's not with me. Gonna watch this last movie then go to bed. G'night, all. #
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