Late birthday

Mar 17, 2009 14:18

I totally forgot to post this before I left on Friday....

Happy belated birthday to both priestess_luna and moleydeyus! Hope y'all had a good one. :)


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Comments 4

priestess_luna March 17 2009, 23:42:16 UTC
Thank you. :) When you were in NM, you were one state away. I remember that free giant steak sign.


catgoddess March 18 2009, 00:42:38 UTC
Heh! You live in AZ, right? I can never remember.


priestess_luna March 18 2009, 04:18:33 UTC
Yeah. Drove across country from Va to live here. It was so boring driving through NM.


catgoddess March 18 2009, 15:27:22 UTC
How long a drive was that? Musta been pretty close to the horrible drive we did.
It was very boring going through NM up until we hit the mountain.....then we were freaking out.


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