So I've finally gotten my money from school. This is good 'cause I had to pay on two credit cards and I wasn't gonna be able to afford it if I didn't get that money. I've also bought the ears for my Cheshire costume and am in the process of getting an outfit for Ren. Faire in November. I've gone to Wal-Mart twice in the past couple days getting stuff I need and some things I just want. Next thing I'll be doing is going shopping with Beth to get some jeans that fit and some more bras.....maybe some shirts and such too. I also need to get the fur and grey fabric for my costume so I can go ahead and harass Beth to help me sew this stuff. I guess I need to get some stuffing or something for the tail too, huh? Maybe get some kind of wire to make it flexible. Anybody know what kind of wire I should use for that?
Also, if you haven't voted in
this poll yet, I would appreciate it if you would. So far the short skirt is winning.....I'm still torn though.