
Mar 17, 2008 23:30

New Haircut 3-14-08 1
Originally uploaded by CatGoddess So Friday started my long week off of work. I asked for Spring Break off so I could maybe get some stuff accomplished. So far I've gotten my hair cut.....and not much else. The weekend was pretty uneventful. We went to the St. Paddy's parade on Saturday, but we were kinda late so we saw the tail end of it. We were going to eat at Nagoya, but they were closed so we ended up eating at a Mexican restaurant close by....not what I wanted to do 'cause well Mexican makes my stomach want to kill me. After that we headed to Best Buy, Circuit City, and Office Depot to get Ryan a hard drive. Later that night while all the boys were doing their gaming or whatever I was eating Jello shots and watching movies in the living room.
Sunday was pretty boring too. I watched movies again and played on my DS for a little while. My battery started dying on my DS so I went outside to get away from watching movies and being bored. I was a little upset with David too....he had pretty much been ignoring me the whole weekend. I asked him as I was leaving if he still wanted me around and if he really cared. He said he does, but I know something's wrong. He hasn't touched me or kissed me or anything in a while. It's like I have the plague or something. I'm not sure what to think. I guess I need to sit down and talk to him. It'll have to wait. I'm not gonna worry myself over it this week....I've got alot to do. The weekend will come soon enough....probably too soon.

hair cut, weekend, alcohol, movies, david, spring break

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