What a weekend!

Oct 15, 2006 18:20

Two weddings in one weekend is kind of alot. Friday, Bethihead and I headed to Kristin and Jack's wedding after doing some shopping at Northpark. We thought we were gonna be late 'cause we were running behind. We were only like five minutes late or something.....Jack and Kristin got there after us :) I always knew y'all'd be late for your own wedding. I took lots of pictures. Most of them didn't turn out as well as I would have liked, but my camera was being stupid. For some reason the flash wasn't making the picture brighter :( So I took most of the pictures without the flash 'cause it seemed to come out better that way. After leaving around 8:00 or so we went to Beth's parents house. She wanted to see them before they left on their cruise. During this whole time Preston had called me like four times. As I was sitting in the car waiting on Beth, Preston called again....I was supposed to get the pizzas for the bachelor party. I went ahead and took the order for what they wanted. When Beth came back, we headed to Dominos. I ordered the boys seven pizzas. Preston called me again as we were leaving Dominos. Geez, boy! Have some patience! He asked me how much it was and I told him $39. He said they'd just give me $40 and call it even. I hmphed and he said, "You want a tip, don't you?" I said of course I do. When we got there, the boys got the pizzas out of the car and Scott came up to pay me for them. He was totally drunk. He tipped well though....got a whole $50 :) I love drunk people. Anyway, after that we headed back to Beth's to change before going to Wal-Mart and then heading to Erin's. We got to Erin's around 10:00 I think. We just kinda sat around and talked....nothing major. Erin went to bed early even which is odd for her on a weekend night. Not too long after Erin went to sleep Preston came home. He showed everyone his butt.....Chaz had beat him bad. We didn't realise how bad 'til yesterday though. He now has huge purple bruises on his butt. I mean it looks like someone beat him with a baseball bat. I only drank a couple of screwdrivers before just giving up and sitting on the couch talking to people. I was falling asleep around 2:30 or so. I slept in their computer room.
Saturday, I woke up several times.....I can't sleep well at other people's houses for some reason. I finally got up around 11:00, took a shower, and headed to Wal-Mart again to get a slip. I ran into Erin as I was walking out of the bra area. We hunted down some toothpicks for Kat and got out of there to get some food. We were gonna go to Chik-fil-A but they were packed so we went to Wendy's instead. From there I went to Kat's and she went home to take a shower and get ready. I took all the stuff she had bought for Kat over to Kat and Blake's house. I watched Karen do Kat's hair and make up as everyone was running around doing last minute wedding stuff. When Blake's mom got there she brought a bunch of stuff but not Kat's wedding dress! What the hell?!?!?! I have no clue who brought it over, but it made it there somehow. After helping Jenn place flowers on the porch, we both went into Blake and Kat's room to get dressed. The poor kitties were all back there looking very unhappy to be stuck in that room. We all got dressed and headed out into the house. All the relatives and such were coming in. I can't remember when everything started, but it was after 3:00. It was all very pretty. I took lots of pictures there. They actually turned out better than I thought they would. Yey for outside lighting! After all the relatives and such left we sat around talking, drinking, and listening to music. Preston, Erin, and I left around 11:30. I think they were tired.....I think everyone was. I got my stuff from Preston and Erin's and headed back home.
Today Mom and I went to the fair to just walk around. It was cool. We went to the Build-A-Bear shop they had there....it was in the back of an eighteen wheeler. I got some fried mushrooms and shared them with mom. We headed back towards the car, but not before going through the petting zoo and getting a funnel cake. We then went to Northpark where I got a snow leopard from the Build-A-Bear there. Yey me! Tonight I will be redying my hair since I didn't get it done Friday or Saturday like I thought I would.
I will post a link to all the wedding pictures when I'm done uploading all of them.....this might take a few days..... >:(

build-a-bear, weekend, friends, northpark, weddings, pictures, fair

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