Chicken and CSAs

Feb 27, 2009 16:10

I've been reading Omnivore's Dilemma. It's a rather eye-opening book but not all in negative ways. That is probably why it is so popular actually. I'm in the middle of the book still but have been reading about "grass farmers" and a movement of getting food from local farms. I've found a great website that shows lists of farmers who raise animals for meat/eggs/dairy in the manner of grass farmers (beyond organic).

I've been slowly gathering information on chicken meat and formulating theories on why I can no longer eat it. I'm now convinced that depending on the way a chicken is raised, I could eat the meat. Here's the theory: Conventional and organic chicken raised industrial style produces birds with higher levels of bacteria and bacteria strains that are antibiotic resistant. After the food poisoning incident (I suspect it was from campylobacter - a study in 2006 showed that 81% of supermarket chicken, even organic, had the bacteria present) my body become sensitive to the bacteria levels in chicken for a full six months. Then I stopped eating it and probably haven't had any chicken meat since 2007. I have theorized that I could eat a chicken from someone's backyard or from chickens not raised in the industrial manner (huge numbers in big warehouse like structures).

I'm trying to get us setup for a CSA also this year.
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