Wee! This has been a super fun afternoon! Not so much in the way of actual fun, but that we got so much done and it was so easy! And that's really exciting!
Really, this is the part that keeps blowing my mind, was just how easy it was to get this stuff done. Woo! *bounce* *bounce* Yay for
So, on Friday a few of us got together for about an hour and a half. And today, a few more of us got together for the same. 2:30 to 4:00. So, in just three hours of effort, we've accomplished more for PaCO than PaCO has seen in any semester for years! It just makes you bounce with joy! >^_^<
Today, we got us signed up for a Bake Sale table in the middle of the Union! It was so easy! That really keeps knockin' me over, ha ha. >^_^< We went into the office at the Information Booth, asked about getting a table across from the Info Booth for a Bake Sale by donation, Ms. LeClair said, "When do you want it?" We said, Friday, December 14th. She wrote us in, and boom, we were done! Woo!! 20 seconds. Seriously. Wow. Every time we tried to suggest a bake sale to raise group funds, Michelle kept saying it was too hard, because you had to pay fees to sell stuff in the Union, and they'd make us go to the basement where the jewelry sellers get tables, and have to fill out paperwork, and blah blah blah. And wow, NONE of that was true! I just can't get over how easy this was! Hurray for PaCO getting to do stuff! >^_^<
Today, we also got our key to the Wade Center Office, finally. That only took about 30 seconds. Maybe 45 seconds by the time we had to walk down the hall to the office to pick them up at. We've completed our Club Update, we've completed our Event Funding Request for our Yule Celebration Bonfire & Cookout, and we've completed our Yearly Office Budget Request which will reimburse us for all kinds of advertising. We got all the info we need to buy advertising on CAB's Buzz, News Flush, and Table Talk! We'll get our ad space in the plastic table thingies for a whole week with that! (And in the News Flush bathroom stall boards, and in the Buzz.) Woo! And wow, that was easy too! >^_^< AND we got all the info we need to buy ad space in the Maine Campus paper if we want too. Also, surprisingly easy. The Yearly Budget will go quickly if we use these for every event, but it'll be ok. We can keep having bake sales, now that we know how easy they are, and PaCO will never have to worry about funds for little things again. Woo!!!
I mean, I could put extra effort into these advertising methods by designing the little 2.5" x 3.5"-ish ads and stuff, but probably I'll just send them the basic info, and email them one of the flyers I made so that they have the option of using my clip art, if they want, or it'll at least give them an idea to work from. I bet that'll work fine. Making the ads is what they do, right? >^_^<
Ooh, we even signed up for a new thing, which was free advertising in the Union. There was a little purple slip on our desk in the Wade Center to sign up for free marketing. They'll make us an ad to put up all around the Union and in the Wade Center, and send it to all Student Orgs on First Class. Woo! I heard we were the first group to sign up for it. >^_^<
So, the only thing left is printing, because Ms. Gifford was not in this afternoon. We'll just have to get her my new buttons files (pretty new Yule buttons, woo!) and the flyers for the Yule Celebration, and have our stuff printed and then go pick it up. Yay!! >^_^<
Woo, so, yeah, that pretty much covered everything. Hm.. Yep, everything on the list is checked off! Woo!! We got everything we needed done, and it only took three hours! Woo! Go us!
Yay, can't wait for the fun! >^_^< After this stuff, there's not much to worry about. Set up for these things is pretty darn easy. We could do the Bonfires & Cookouts blindfolded by now, and the bake sale only needs a couple of us to bake some mixes. Oh, gotta shop for supplies to make candles and soap and lip-balm. But we know what we need, and we know how to price-compare, so that won't be hard either. Woo, we're done! >^_^< *bouncing with happy excitement* Wee!! >^_^< .