(This is a bit more ranty than my previous post, but I think I have a right to get this stuff off my chest. I mean, when you spend nearly all your free time working hard, going above and beyond any other person's efforts, for a group that you love, and never would have said a word about it, well, when someone then comes up to you and says, "you don't matter anymore, and you're not as good as we are because you're not a student anymore", [when in all accounts you could probably be considered better, being the one putting in all the effort], well, that'll really set you off.
--Please see my previous posts for the less ranty rundown of what's been going on.)
So, Thursday night at the
Pagan Campus Organization meeting when I told Michelle, "look, you've been my friend for 5 years now, but I think you're leading PaCO badly", she just sat there and said all snippety-like, "Well I think we're doing pretty good".
Well, yeah, PaCO has been doing great up until now this semester, in spite of her, really. She almost killed it by not doing anything last semester. Hello, where've you been? Oh yeah, NOT helping us, that's where.
I can't believe she has the nerve to sit there and act like anything good that PaCO has now has ANYTHING to do with her. She hasn't done shit. She's even tried to stop us from giving PaCO so much success.
She's the one who sat there in September and told the group that since Carole LeClair said there wasn't a place for us to have a Samhain bonfire now that Bumstock Field has been paved over, we couldn't have one. It was Zeus who talked to the people on campus who actually matter, and got our permissions and location in order. Zeus made it possible, and Michelle did nothing but stand in the way. We were lucky that we've been able to move around her this long to keep PaCO alive.
We have several new students this semester, which is what will save PaCO from death. Did Michelle do ANYTHING to help us get that? No. I'M the one who spent hours upon hours upon hours making cute little pagan buttons with PaCO's name and URL on them. I'M the one who spent hours designing and posting flyers all over campus. I'M the one who signed us up for the Summer Student Orgs Fairs to make sure that PaCO would get represented to the incoming freshmen, which is how we gained several of them now. I'M the one who went out to all the Summer Student Orgs Fairs, and set them up and gave away buttons and sat there to recruit new students, dragging Zeus along. Zeus and I are the ones who put all this effort into PaCO, and Michelle has put in none.
Michelle wouldn't help us with any of that. She ALWAYS said she was too busy to do anything for PaCO. David and Zeus and I are the ones who have done it ALL. She wouldn't even bother to reserve PaCO a meeting room this summer. I had to do that myself! I emailed the right guy, and he told me that we were LATE getting a room, while Michelle had only insisted that it couldn't be done over the summer and we had to wait till September. We almost missed our chance to get a room, because SHE wouldn't even TRY.
The only thing we've gotten Michelle to do so far is hand in our paperwork for the Samhain events, and she even did that LATE. We had to get on her case for weeks before she'd finally get off her ass and give it to someone (It took about 3 minutes to fill it out at Mabon. NOT hard.). That cost us a lot of valuable time. Then she wouldn't bother to follow up on it. She emailed some secretary who never responded, and left it at that. When we were finally out of time (we ended up with less than a week to prepare for the Divination Fair with our funding), I'M the one who contacted the right person on campus to get us our funding. I pulled the Divination Fair together with Zeus.
Zeus and I did all the shopping for the Divination Fair. We picked up the pumpkins and cider. Would Michelle have bothered to go looking for pumpkins? Of course not. She's NEVER put in much effort for PaCO. Either that, or she'd have just picked up a few expensive ones at the grocery store, and gotten a fourth of the value we got at Spencer's Nursery with the half-off pumpkins that were about $1.50 each. She'd have bought the $6 ones just because going to the Hannaford was simpler.
Oh, Michelle did ONE bit of shopping for the Divination Fair. She got ahold of our funding card and spent $30 on two kinds of cookies for the bake sale. And no, there weren't a lot, they were just freakin' expensive. Zeus and I got three kinds of cookies, brownies, and two kinds of cupcakes, including frosting, cupcakes cups, and eggs and butter, all for $17. The bake sale table pulled in $53. But because Michelle was actually so bad with money that she spent twice what we spent on stuff that was a only a third of what we got (2 types of cookies for $30 as opposed to 6 types of baked goods for only $17), she single-handedly knocked our bake sale profits down to only $6. I was astounded that she would actually blow that much money on the thing that was supposed to MAKE us money. Seriously, how do you not realize when you're overspending that astonishingly badly??
Michelle's NEVER been able to handle doing anything for an event. She's the one who would go shopping for bonfire cookout food and come back with ONE box of vegi-burgers that Tarsha and Peter and another vegetarian would all stare at, because there are only 4 vegi-burgers in a box. Each of them would get one, and all three of them would stare at the last one like a group of sad, hungry kittens. Last Beltane, I made sure that Zeus and I were in charge of shopping (Michelle and Toby came along, though I'm not sure why), and we made sure to get four boxes of vegi-burgers and some vegi-dogs, and even had vegan burgers. It was lucky we did, we had a vegan girl come and visit us. We know how to provide and help our members. Michelle has never figured out how, and likely never cared.
Zeus and I are the ones who made things, bought things, stored things, and hauled things. We're the ones who got it all going. We're the ones who brought all the important stuff, including a fire pit, and got that stuff set up with help from Alora and Zoe and Staci. Zeus and I are the ones who put up over $280 of our own money, so that PaCO could use the $500 funding it was granted from Student Gov. Student Gov does reimbursement, not money handouts, and Zeus and I put in everything ourselves to make this event happen. We did more than our share just getting everything done prior to the event, and the amount I did to help clean up on top of all that was going above and beyond what any other member has EVER done for PaCO.
Hell, I'M the one who cleaned up all the pumpkin guts off the campus lawn after the Fair. And helped Toby scrub the paint off the pumpkin table. How much do I have to do for these people?? And then she has the nerve to tell people I didn't help clean up? Hey, who picked up the pumpkin guts and scrubbed paint? Not you. And the nerve to say to my face that I don't matter to the group because I'm not a student? Where would they have been without all the stuff I did for them? All the stuff that Zeus did for them? Sitting in the meeting room, saying that stuff "can't be done", that's where.
I'm just absolutely astonished at the arrogance that Michelle can sit there and think she should get any credit for everything we have done, while she hasn't done shit, and even got in our way.
She's the one who sits on her ass and says that things can't be done, and then Zeus and I get up and do them anyway.
She's the one who NEVER helps us, never shows up when we have a banner making session, hands in our simple, easy paperwork LATE, and whines about how stressful it is to be President. How stressful can it be when you refuse to do anything??
She's mad that Zeus and I get these things done for PaCO when she said they couldn't be done. Instead of learning to get off her ass and do shit, she'd rather get rid of us so that she makes herself right. She'd rather see PaCO not allowed to do anything, because she says it can't be done, rather than see it flourish because we're willing to get up and try. Sickening. Absolutely sickening.
There could have been a Samhain Bonfire and Cookout this weekend, and there won't be, because she wanted to stop us from accomplishing things while she wouldn't. We were all set to pull it together, yet again, for PaCO, but she put herself and her own ego ahead of the group, and was content to watch it all come crashing down because of it.
I never thought I'd see such insanity from her. Maybe I should have seen it coming. After all, Elements split off from PaCO while Michelle had an officer position, and Trinity splintered off of UMPIC because of her and Toby. I've heard old members come up in the wake of all this and tell me stories of so many people who left PaCO because they felt alienated by Michelle and Toby, who apparently were more rude to these people than I ever realized they could be. I never saw how much damage they were doing. I wonder how I missed it.
I want to see PaCO return to how it was years ago. Return to what it was that these old members wanted before they got discouraged and left. I know we can do it. We were so close, now. We were getting things done, until Michelle tried to shut us out and use campus rules to say that we had to leave for not being undergrads. We were so close to the good old days. I don't want to see her shut us down like this. I want to see the new students continue getting good things out of PaCO. They need people who will TRY, not people like Michelle who sit there and say stuff can't be done.