Tonight, I'm going to see
Fly by Radio at
Rick's. This will be my second time seeing them, so I'm looking forward to that. January has been another fun month of music.
This year, I didn't make plans to go out of town for New Year's Eve. Pam and I met up at Rick's for NYE. A country/classic rock band called Santa Fe was playing there for NYE. Neither of us had seen them before so we decided to check them out. I had a sore throat that night but went out and enjoyed myself despite that.
January 9, I went to see
Splendid Chaos at Rick's. Last Friday night, I went to see
U.S at Rick's. I'm starting to feel like I live at Rick's lately.
Saturday night, I went out to eat with my dad and stepmom.
Moonlight reruns began airing on the Sci Fi Channel last Friday night, so now they've started watching the show. They're recording it each week so we can watch it together. I'm excited that they really enjoyed the first episode and want to see more of the show. Since I'm going out tonight, I'll watch tonight's episode with them later this weekend.
I'm off to get ready to go out now.