RIP Ruffles 2005-2008

Dec 06, 2008 16:03

We found out earlier this week that Ruffles had cancer and was already in end stages by the time symptoms showed up. She hadn't been eating much for a few days, so my mom took her to the vet. We found out she had a large tumor on her liver that hadn't shown up when she had her yearly shots and check up just three months ago. The vet said her body was already starting to shut down and that she only had a week left at the most. Surgery would have only prolonged her life a short amount of time. Both of her veterinarians did everything they could for her, but after talking through our options with the vets, we had her put to sleep on Thursday afternoon. I was able to see Ruffles one last time at the vet's office on Thursday. I took the towel from her bed, her favorite little stuffed rabbit toy that used to hang from her scratching post, and her green toy feather with me to the vet's office so she would have something familiar from home with her at the end. I didn't want her to be alone without her family at the end, so my stepdad stayed with her when she was put to sleep. He brought Ruffles home and buried her with the stuffed rabbit and feather all wrapped in the towel from her bed. I'm still in shock that she's gone. Ruffles was only 3.5 years old.

ruffles, cat

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