Resolutions and plans for 2008

Jan 01, 2008 11:15

Okay, so I'm not quite as organized as my brother,
gsx1400 , but since its the beginning of a new year, I guess its time to set some resolutions and goals for the next 12 months. I did read one of my favorite writers' blog (, and she refused to identify her resolutions because "resolutions generally entail what we don't like about ourselves, as in I'm too fat or I'm disorganized or my spending is out of control. " She reasoned that when one asks another about his/her resolutions, you're basically requesting the person to lay out all his/her flaws. So, when someone asks her what her New Year's resolutions she responds:I resolve to be self-aware enough to spot potential problems within myself and to begin to work on them immediately, without a making a public announcement or waiting to start the improvements on an entirely arbitrary date.

I'm not as snarky as ol' Jen, so here's my list for 2008:

1.  Eat healthier, i.e., less processed and fatty stuff, more fruits and vegetables.  While I'm not resolving to cut out all cake/cookies/desserts from my diet, I'm working on the idea of moderation and smaller portions!  (This should help me drop some weight).
2.  Get to the gym for exercise three to four times a week.  I've actually been pretty good about this for the last several years, so it shouldn't be a problem to meet this goal.  (This, too, should help me drop some weight, especially if I stick to number 1 above.)
3.  Start dating.  (This will be more likely if I stick to numbers 1 and 2 above).
4.  Schedule events and activities to look forward to throughout the year.  For example, just last night, a friend and I agreed that once the weather improves (okay, beginning in late April or May), we would do some hiking in the Columbia Gorge.  I always enjoy a great day hike, yet it's been a couple of years since I've done one.  In July, I've got my xxth high school reunion, and now it looks like I'll be heading across the pond to Switzerland for a wedding this summer as well. 
5.  Be smarter about my finances.  While I can't say I hope to spend less money (especially if I'm planning to travel overseas this summer), I would like to keep closer tabs on where the money is going, and not fritter it away on frivilous things.  (Sticking to numbers 1, 2 and 3 above, and and less retail therapy may help in this regard).
6.  When it comes to work, take a deep breath and chill out.  Remain on task, and stay out of the fray.  I've got a lot on my plate, especially in the next few months, and I just need to be conscientious and productive.  I also need to stop comparing the things that go on inside the hallowed halls of Oregon's Office of Administrative Hearings to a Dilbert cartoon!

January 1 is an arbitrary date, true, but there is also no time like the present to begin working on this list.

goals, resolutions

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