Jun 14, 2007 21:50
so im sitting in karens room here on the 20th floor of st. lukes hospital. the past two days have been a blur of unending tunnels and hallways and parking garages and waiting and waiting. but hopefully she is now on her way to recovery. it turns out that she had some internal infections due to her apendectomy a few weeks back. which she was almost recovered from, so now its back to zero. BUT i think this will go quicker. the medical center downhere is almost overwhelming, but pretty cool also.. just so crazy how everything connects with wierd tunnels and sky bridges and stuff, its like metroid but without neat weapons and a cool space suit. parking is expensive also, but i cant thnk of anything better to spend my money on then getting to be here to help. i havent ever really been hospitalized, been to the ER a time or two, but never like this. most times i feel so helpless, but i guess its just the being here thats important even if she is mostly sleeping. i had some pretty good pizza downstairs in the basement level near the ER. yesterday we waited 7 hours in the ER, it was nuts! people kept packing in and no one had any idea what they were in for, waiting and waiting. totally insane! once i cracked my head and skull and had to wait for 4 hours, i figured a headwound is front of the line, but nope. apparently respiratory distress is the winner, if you have that your golden. well not golden, but you dont have to wait. tomoorow tickets for ryan adams in austin go on sale at 10am. awesome~! had my first test in summer school today i think i did pretty kickass on it, social psychology im finding is definitly the facet of the whole mess that interests me the most. ok gotto go. ps. its tough to watch someone you care for so much, toss and turn in constant pain. not entirely fun dudes.