History in the making today...

Jan 20, 2009 18:42

It felt very like I was back watching FDR or JFK getting inaugurated.  I watched, from work, at lunch, on an old TV with rabbit ears connected and a lousy signal.  It was really blurry, but it got the sound & the general idea across.   And, speaking of FDR, Obama is trying to listen to what we, the people want.  If you go to this site, citizensbreifingbook.change.gov, you can vote for issues that matter to you.  Obama will get the top 2 on the list (and you can add them) in his official briefing.  Here are my personal favorites.

Top 1), and this is shades of FDR, but I LOVE it and think that this part of welfare should never have gone the way of the dodo. http://citizensbriefingbook.change.gov/ideas/viewIdea.apexp?id=087800000004tni&srPos=20&srKp=087

Top 2) http://citizensbriefingbook.change.gov/ideas/viewIdea.apexp?id=087800000004rqJ&srPos=11&srKp=087  Because car accidents are the number 1 killer of American children each year.

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