Sep 16, 2006 09:28
Since this entry is so long I highlighted all the main points, so if someone doesn't feel like reading everything they can get the main point by reading what's highlighted. I'm so considerate lol.
I had the surgery Tuesday morning. It hurt like hell like 10 minutes after I woke up. So, the nurse ended up giving me 4 shots of morphine. That didn't do Anything! (The nurse said that for certain pain pill form works better than injections) So, I was given extra strength vicodin after and that helped. My knee did feel a lot better just b/c of the fact that it was in place.
Had another trip to the Emergency Room last night. UGH!
My calf in my right leg would get this Really bad cramp in it which was more intense when I was standing. This last thursday night and into last night (still have it today...), so when I called the surgeons office for like an on the phone check-up I let them know about the cramp. The secretary told me to keep an eye on it b/c it could be a blood clot. Great. So, it wasn't getting better at all (maybe even worse), so I called back to see what I should do. I got the answering service and the lady said she'd tell the doctor to call me when he got out of surgery. And hour goes by and no phone call. Now if it was just a cramp I'd be like, "ok whatever I'll deal with it." But, the fact that it could quite possibly be a blood clot made me a little concerned. So, I called back and she was like, "I don't know what to tell you." I'm like, "well, is it ok that I wait for him to call or should I go the the E.R?" I had no idea how serious this was or was not. And, she was just like, "I can't tell you what to should call your primary doctor and ask him." So, I did and the secretary went on and on about how it had nothing to do with them, they didn't know the details of what I had had done, they weren't involved and that this surgeon is the one that should be following up and helping me. Great thanks for the help. So, in the end No one would help me. My mom called my aunt (who is a nurse...her husband is a doctor) to see what she thought and my aunt was like, "she Needs to be seen now." The reason this freaked me out a little is b/c my aunt is Not melodramitic in anyway, so when she seems worried something could be wrong. So, here I was home alone and suppose to go to the E.R., which normally wouldn't be as bad if 1. I could walk 2. I didn't drive a standard and 3. was medically allowed to drive right now. My mom said she was going to leave to come bring me, but she lives like 40 minutes away. My friends all live far away and were working and all of my family lives more than an hour mom's the closest. Mike was at work, so I im-ed him and was just like, "I'm going to try and get there by myself." I left right after I typed that to him, so I didn't get his im which was, "I'll come get you." So, I drove to the E.R. and told my mom to meet me at the hospital. Luckily, I was able to just move my right foot from brake to gas without moving my leg and my left leg was fine, so the clutch wasn't a problem. I sat in the waiting room for over an hour and then in the hospital room for another 1/2 hour. To try and sum it up the doctor said he didn't think it was a blood clot, but that it was a good thing I came in b/c I did have some of the symptoms. (They can't completely tell if it is/was a blood clot b/c the ultrasound machine only runs during the day, so the doctor just had to feel my leg and see if he felt a clot. But, the nurse said after that if he had thought it was one he would have asked me to come in the next day for the ultrasound.) So, apparently I'm fine-I think. Oh, and my surgeon NEVER called me back. I'm so pissed about that b/c maybe I wouldn't have had to go to the E.R. again if he had just called me.
Oh, and yesterday morning before all this I had to go in for a breast check at my gyno. (which is 40 minutes away) b/c I felt a bump. But, luckily he thinks it's just the same one as before that they just didn't take out. So, there's another $30 (co-pay) wasted. Although I shouldn't say wasted b/c it's better that I spent the $30 and made sure it was nothing than find out later on that I should have gone.
This past week has SUCKED!