What a joke. What a ridiculous way to commemorate someone so worthless. Mothers-- And to see her-- Leave it to this place to prey upon one's loathings. I never want to hear that voice again. That voice, or see that look of hers. Everything about her makes me sick-- That woman, incapable of feeling anything other that selfish desire-- No, I would be an idiot to celebrate her. I won't even give her another thought. Another reminder I'd rather not have.
[His voice is low, and he tries for a casual tone]
Parents have the freedom to create whatever they want through their offspring, don't they? A frightening amount of freedom. And it's a shame. Children can't choose the people they're born to. ...Of course, there's no guarantee that it would change anything. But I'll play the optimist, for today. I think it would. [And it leaves a strange taste in his mouth, but it's probably the most honest thing he's said in a while.]