
Jan 05, 2005 13:51

Your poor car. I was going to church with my mom and we passed your house and i didn't see your car in the normal spot so I looked around and saw it behind your dad's truck. It look damaged. Yet again, your poor car! So you know Jose and I have been very close lately. Well I have one question and I could care less who reads this or not because if anyone has a problem with this...tell me face to face...don't go cowardly and use stupid anon comments so I don't have to know who you are! So question:

How would a 15 year old girl, who doesn't have a car, get condoms for her and her boyfriend?

P.S. I love you!

I know you're not going to agree with what I told Rosie and probably not anything, but to be completely honest, I love Jose and he loves me...thats something no one can break. I know that it's not the right thing to do, but wouldn't you rather I use protection? Look, you said.."Wait until you're older." Well, Amanda, I have an entire plan with Jose. Well, he's gonna stay in the U.S. until I graduate and the day after graduation Jose, me, and Pablo are moving to Mexico...3 months later Jose and I are getting married. Look its only because I love him.

I know you said you first, but is it my fault Jose came into my life? I mean it took us forever to get this relationship off the ground, and now that it has we both love each other. And if you think the talk about sex is should see us together at work!

Love to all,

P.S. lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala
Just felt like being add today
Jose hasto work 11-5 at McDonald's and 5:30 to 11:30 at the warehouse. *tear* He's the best
I love you!

Oh and today was a half day! Woo hoo!
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