Aug 27, 2008 20:08
in a strange world, you would come across this, or just read it at random like you used to... who knows? maybe you'll make your way here...
you asked me if i regretted kissing you, i told you no.. kisses didn't mean much to me unless they were from one person, in particular.. but truthfully, i do regret kissing you. it ruined our friendship, it completely wiped what little trust you had in me out, and it just never should have happened. i'm sorry i ever even let things get that far, knowing what i knew. i knew that we would never last.. it's just not something we do, you know that. i knew that i needed distractions and you were there. i, obviously, never took into account that i would lose one of the best guy friends i ever had. the one that i could call at any time and he would answer, and we would talk about completely random crap. we always got in huge arguments, we were always fighting like we were married, spent months without talking to each other.. but somehow we always came back together in the end.. but this time, i don't think it's going to happen and it's all my fault. it's senior year.. and i don't have my big brother with me, and it's hard. i pass you everyday, knowing you probably don't even realize i'm there. i've had to apologize to you too many times... one too many, actually... but it's never, ever been like it is now..