It hurt me to stop doing the updates and the daily deeds. It was such a simple thing and made the world a better place. I thank every lovely one of you for doing these good works for Chi and for all of us. Anyway, it was felt that I was getting too personal and I am still trying to get my web site up
About Chi
I don't want to paint a picture that is not what it is. I don't want to have anyone think things are rosier than they are. But we know that he is here for a reason and truly have faith that when his brain is healed, he will wake fully.
I will try to be more specific. These three months have been very difficult and it has been two steps forward and one step back. It has taken so much strength to beat pneumonia four times, collapsed lungs, numerous infections including meningitis, brain surgery. shall I go on?
Your prayers and God's faithfulness are the biggest reason that he is still here and fighting. And he is starting to move his hands some of the time and his feet and legs some of the time. It is progress and he isn't giving up. And I do let him know daily that you all are praying and sending him love.
- Our love goes back to you, as always! Jeanne. .