This time last year I anticipated doing NaNoWriMo now, but nasty bits of life got in the way and I'm having to postpone for another year. However, I noted
NaBloPoMo on
dubnordie's journal this morning, and so I thought I'd give that a go in lieu, albeit a day late. Do I join officially or not?
Anyway, through November, I'll try and do the Pollyanna part at least and hope my friends will forgive me if there's nothing more meaty behind it.
So today I am happy because I have eaten three meals, none of which has been soup, for the first time in a week which means that the virus which has been wreaking havoc with my stomach is on its way out. It does mean that I've felt fine, albeit somewhat tired, since about noon and have therefore been feeling guilty about not being at work. On the other hand I am the last member of our SLT to have had time off this academic year, and I did get the absence return to the LEA in spite of being at home so maybe those are the parts about it I should remember.
Reading today has been our community newspaper, the ECHO, which included a story about a quiet chap I used to know who spent a day in a Glasgow prison for taking part in the Faslane protest. It reported his reasons for taking part, and how he filled his time in jail, with respect for the faith he explained sustained him and an exhortation to readers to be proud of a local man's willingness to act on his principles even if they did not agree with either these or his driving force. An unusual stance to see in the press these days methinks.