BLARG!! Just thought I would say it.

Nov 01, 2004 23:56

Well today was eventful. Ana helped me with me speech today in class. She made the symbols I needed for my poster and she wrote my notecards for me. Thanks a bunch! I was nervous for my speech but once I started I knew if I didn't stop myself I could have talked about Tae Kwon Do for hours. But it only needed to be 5-7 minutes long. I had fun doing it and my teacher said I did a wonderful job.

Played a bit of counterstrike today. I want to play more, its been so long. I was getting good at it before I stopped playing. *note to self, play counterstrike* Then I ran off to work and it was work like. Even though some things made me feel different that I dont really want to get into on here. I told Ana about it though...but its my minds gears going like normal.

TKD was good. Even though Mrs. Corriea wasn't there. I have to call her and see what is up. I felt really dehydrated after a while. I think I need to drink more water during the day and actually eat more then once a day. Myron and Alfred stopped by which was really nice. They asked if the class was fun, and actually sat in tonight and watched and maybe they are interested in doing TKD. I know Alfred wanted to get into what we were doing in class big time and that is really cool. But then again he is asian! hehe regret Al, regret.
Peace bitches!
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