Accountable to September

Oct 01, 2010 19:02

A few blog posts back, I promised I'd return to making myself accountable for what I had (or hadn't) achieved the previous month. So here goes...

I completed my #10bythen submissions by subbing to: Lightspeed, The Vandermeer's Thacker T Lambshead project, The Zombie Feed, IGMS, Clarkesworld, Shimmer, Poe Little Thing, Ideomancer, Brain Harvest, Moon Milk Review, Fantastique Unfettered and Shock Totem.

Pre-planning my mad escapade novel/novella - 10,867 words

Of the above submissions 3 were stories completed this month: Six Feet Above (2300 words), The Quiet of the Hour Glass (500 words), Name Carved on Empty Space (750 words).

With some thanks to Walter (my dictaphone), I completed the following stories which are awaiting redrafting/editing/help from the beyond: Broken Spokes of an Umbrella Sky (1339 words), Fractured Divide between Him, Her, Them (627 words), unnamed spooky story (3518 - draft in progress), In the Middle of Nowhere, Just Left of 1974 (1159 words), If... (1568 words), Lost Shoes (1034 words), Ash in his Lungs, Dust in his Belly (my mailbox man story that isn't quite working out - yet - a pathetic 319 words).

Other delightful things September brought - I finished up a blurb for a book of awesomeness and I became involved in an awesome super sekrit project.

Holding myself accountable wasn't so scary after all.
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