So I'm packing to go to see friend Sherri and family in Kiamesha Lake NY (round two attempt at the visit, the first attempt thwarted by the dead tranny) and when bringing the last load to the van I rolled my ankle out on a busted piece of concrete and badly sprained my left ankle. So after a lot if swearing, some crying and my son bringing me a wet towel to clean up blood, I closed up house, got kids in car and left for the trip. Hit D&D for coffee, choked down a mega motrin for pain and swelling and made it to ny by 1130. Sherri and Elan have been taking care of me, the boys running and playing with their kids and we are having a nice time. Élan even surprised me and made eggs Benedict for me for dinner. It was yummy. So it's post dinner, kids are back outside playing and I'm on deck relaxing. All things considered not a too bad day minus limping like a gimp. I'm such a klutz .....
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