Mar 25, 2011 22:40
Well, that interview on Wednesday, 3/16, must have gone as well as I thought it did. Late yesterday I received a very nice job offer for a Sr. Engineering Specialist position with Bell Helicopter and, after considering everything, I accepted it today. You have to love modern technology, they sent the offer by email, I printed out the appropriate forms that were attached, signed them, scanned them in, and emailed them back to Bell's HR department; all very efficient and far faster than relying on "snail mail", even for across town correspondence. *chuckle* Murphy's Law being what it is, watch me now get other offers; on the other hand, the lack of a need to relocate with the companion ability to start back to work as soon as pssoible (processing the paperwork means I'll be starting on Monday, 4/4) means a lot as does being able to stay in Texas (I'm not a native, but it's my adopted home state by choice).