Oct 24, 2008 10:28
I am for the most part so busy I can't breath. I keep getting very anxious over everything. I am wayy overdue for an anxiety attack. When it comes, it should be lots of "fun". Between homework, observations, lesson plans, and ed club I am up to my eye balls in WORK! Ugh. Halloween party for the local children tomorrow. So much to prep for it's ridiculous. I can't wait until the prep is over so I can actually enjoy it. And then homework. So much is due next week. Including a paper for HIS but I must READ the book before I write this damn thing. Why do education major have to have a concentration? Don't we have enough to do without taking an extra 30 credit hours! APPARENTLY NOT! And I need to write and teach 3 more lesson, as well as make a presentation with a partner on tuesday about using technology in the classroom. Then plan out our team fundraiser for Relay for Life. PLUS I have Jen's wedding on the 9th. Is it Thanksgiving yet? Because that would be fabulous. Oh wait ... we didn't even have HALLOWEEN yet! But only 7 weeks of school left and I move home. And then student teaching - yay! (And when I say yay, I actually mean I just threw up in my hands thinking about it.) The solo weeks sound so scary I could cry. And I need to apply to Queens College for next year. When did I grow up, and how do I go back? Crap.
I will get through this. I just need my small panic attacks in order to calm myself (I know that doesn't make sense, but I usually don't). Oh well, time to get read to shop for the Halloween party.