and this week's earworm is made possible by...NKOTB

Jan 15, 2009 17:22

As defined by Wikipedia:

Earworm, a calque of the German Ohrwurm,[citation needed] is a term for a portion of a song or other musical material that becomes stuck in a person's head or repeats compulsively within one's mind. Use of the English translation was popularized by James Kellaris and Daniel Levitin. Kellaris' studies demonstrated that different people have varying susceptibilities to earworms, but that almost everybody has been afflicted with one at some time or another.[1] A more scientific term for the phenomenon, involuntary musical imagery, was suggested by the neurologist Oliver Sacks in 2007.[2]

NKOTB being silly, Joe & Jordan singing a bit of Back for Good ....

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and by Take That : ( i kept on saying Robbie Williams will be big, and behold)

image Click to view

Thanks a lot you guys, its stuck in my head for days now.

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