Some storm...

Feb 10, 2010 22:30

This big storm that we were supposed to get is kind of...not materializing. Not that I'm complaining about that :) It's mostly a lot of howling wind and some freezing rain. I used the shovel to de-slush the driveway for awhile when I got home and between the wind and the rain, my hands were plenty cold. But it's definitely not the zillion inches they were telling us we'd get. I'm relieved :)

Feeling better after riding the Dayquil and Nyquil train for the past couple of days. I am finding that I stay up all night if I don't take Nyquil after I've been taking Dayquil during the day. I don't know what kind of upper / downer thing they have going on, but it does a number on my head. Glad to be done with that!

My mum called up to say that she read "Captain, Hook, and Mr. Shrike" in Skulls and Crossbones. She said that she really enjoyed it, and "as an ex-English teacher, I would tell you if it sucked." Loves the mum, I does :) Dad's going to have a look tomorrow. We read a lot of the same fiction, especially short fiction, so I'll be curious to hear his take.

This is my third night in a row that I've begun working on my reservoir story and ended up deleting the whole thing and starting over. I like tonight's incarnation, and I used to tricks I picked up from NaNo to try and plow through some of the bits that I wanted to stick around and dither about some more. LIve to fight another day, right? Or live to write another night, I suppose. Wow, not only have I just become the person that makes the terrible cliche puns for no god reason, I'm making terrible rhyming cliche puns. Rokk. I am so awesome right now. I think I will blame it on the extraneous Day and Nyquil still floating around in my system. Right. Anyway, I ended up with around 1100 words. My band has a show this weekend, otherwise I would have high hopes for some more verbage this weekend, but we'll see. I'm hoping to stick this one out. I haven't been able to finish anything since I did a short piece for Sparks for Christmas.

I started to reread CRK's The Red Tree last night, That may or may not have accounted for some of the insomnia. I didn't even get to the creepy parts yet. Sarah's just so haunted, right from the start, that it's hard to shake it after you stop reading. I'm finding that I'm enjoying the book even more the second time around, much like I did with Connie Willis's Passage. Hard to shake, but wonderful to read because of and in spite of.

I'm going to go get cleaned up for bed and then read some more.

weather, skulls and crossbones, connie willis, reservoir, caitlin r. kiernan, the red tree, storms, winter

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