I have a life, really!

Oct 12, 2008 10:56

If you check the history you'll find I'm prolific on LJ when not busy when other things: hence, depressed and mopy. At times when I am cheery and have interesting things to say, I am busy, y'know, doing those things. I read LJs but do not update my own.

But here are two things! One is an amusing snippet of Gmail chat with the always-wondrous Kevin:

Kevin:  Hey, I earned that being on a project run by a muppet for four months!

me:  I am pretty sure muppets would be more fun. There would be song-and-dance routines and such.

Kevin:  ...American Eagle?

me:  Even he has a vertain dignity.

Kevin:  True
me:  am now imagining project run by actual muppets

It is awesome.
Cost estimates? Time for the Cost Estimates song!

Kevin:  Heh
Now that would be cool

me:  Lots of little muppets up the front waving their arms!
Celebrity guest stars!
happy daydreams

Kevin:  "Hi, I'm Mark Hamill, and I'm here to help get this project back on schedule"

me:  Hi Mark!
Let's sing about co-operation!

Kevin:  Um... can I see the project plan first guys?

me:  "Co-operation!"
"La la la la!"

Kevin:  ...maybe just a summary of where we're at?

me:  Let's explain maps!
Maps are a picture of where things are. You can use them to find out where to go. Right, Mr Hooper?

Kevin:  *grins*
OK, yes, a project run by muppets would be AWESOME

me:  Yeah!I would also like to ask a Favour.

I have made a new webpage (From scratch! Okay, all by myself, with the help of five advisory websites and three textbooks.) and before I start adding actual content and turning it into a theme for my WordPress and shop, I desperately crave your opinion, feedback, criticism and advice.

I haven't resolved the IE browser compatibility issues yet, but I will take a stab in the dark and believe most of you use FireFox or something that won't mangle the CSS too bad.

What do you think?

New design

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