Rocking out, or IF You Play Bass, THEN I will sleep with you.

May 14, 2006 19:13

How's that for tautology. Not yet proven true, but I figure it's only a matter of time.

So the theme of this weekend was rocking the fuck out. This started Thursday evening with the jazz showcase, which I was not in sadly, not having the time, but there was another kid playing vibes, who was quite good. We might have to have a vibe-off one of these days. I also went to an "orchestra party" which basically consisted of a bunch of orchestra dorks sitting on each other and eating. Good times.
Friday night I went to a D8/Mischords acappella show, which was sweet. Then I went to the radio station concert, which unfortunately was not anywhere near worth 5 bucks. There were 3 acts, and when I got there we thought that the headliner was on, but we found out later that it was not. It was this guy sitting on the stage with a mac, chanting into a microphone and hitting metal shit while shrooms swirled around on a screen in the background. I kid you not.

Saturday there was a party at my jazz director's house. It was awesome, he and his wife live in the this sweet house in the woods and they made us all this ridiculous delicious food. We watched a video of our performance for the lindy hop dance and made fun of ourselves tapping our feet completely not to the beat, or with each other. That afternoon a bunch of rock bands on campus were doing sets in McCullough, so I checked that on out. It was sooooo good. The Easy Answers (indie/rock) and Larson (rock/fusion) rocked my world. Larson especially- they are way better than anything you hear on the radio, or pretty much anywhere. Unfortunately they are mostly senior bands so they won't be around next year. That actually makes me really depressed.

Last night was the Last Chance Semiformal Dance (aka Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures). I got Ashley Bell (newly christened A-Bell or A-Feb) to do my hair, then a bunch of us sat around and drank kind of crappy margaritas before the dance. Annie was walking around in her underwear because she got poison ivy on her ass from peeing in the woods.
So eventually we made it to the dance (it took awhile, not surprisingly), and it was pretty sweet because a faculty band called the doughboys were playing all your wedding favorites. I admit that I may have lindy hopped with one or two people. I also saw my peer writing tutor from the fall, Jules, whose position Amanda and I will be inheriting in the fall. It was great to see her, since she'd been in LA all semester and will be in Oxford all next year.

After the doughboys were done it turned into a typical sketch-coullough dj-ed affair, complete with glowsticks and the requisite playing of "like a prayer." Speaking of which, I made a sweet 80's mix. Anyhoo, I stayed almost to the end, dancing with various random friends that I found. It was quality, and I didn't ended up leaving with a Drunk and Desperate upperclassman, so that was a plus. I still didn't get enough sleep, but that was because I had to get up for church.

Today was fairly unproductive. Well, I did go downtown and bought a pair of shorts, a pair of ski gloves, and a pair of underwear. Yeah, don't ask. Soon it will be time for Alex's Mamajamas show. More accapella goodness.

"See those two people over there? They look particularly clean to you?" -Adam at dinner. Apparently two people, not from our dorm, took a bath together for 2 and a half hours today on his floor. uuuurghhhhh.

Goodbye picnic tomorrow for my friend Britain who's transferring and ReMoonion at dinner. Wow, bet will that be a productive day.

Finals week is upon us, children. No effing reading period, which just goes to show that the adminstration of our school is not as stupid as they seem.
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