No one really knows what they are searching for...

Jul 30, 2005 20:49

Jill should drive to Nebraska in November. Well, no, not really, cause she'd just get left behind while Heather and I went to Nintendo Fusion, which would actually suck. Oh well. I miss people.

I wonder if anyone good will be on tour while my sister's here. Oh my gosh, I am such a freak. I'm tapped from Bowling For Soup and Nintendo Fusion, and I'm looking for someone to see in December. Like I could afford it. Haha, priorities are wonderful. Maybe by then I'll have some money, though. I got a 50 cent raise yesterday (<3 Jon) and things should get pretty busy by Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas. I need to talk to Julie anyway, though. I'm sick as hell of Pat stealing my pulling hours. I can't afford to only make $137 every two weeks, thankyouverymuch. That's sick.

I need a shower like whoooooooooa. To grandmother's house I go.

I really miss benny boo boo. I have a letter and a bunch of stuff I'd like to send him, but I'm not sure if that's even a good idea. He doesn't seem to want to hear from me, or talk to me anyway. Not yet at least. I did almost dream about a pink garbage truck last night. It was actually red. I tried to squint real hard and make it look dark pink and I reminded myself that my home ec teacher used to tell everyone that "pink is a tint of red", but it was still red. Ha, even in my dreams nothing can work out well.

Good Charlotte always reminds me of my sister and of ben. Always/forever.


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