Mar 13, 2004 22:54
OOC: Jack Sparrow mun here:
I've just chatted a bit with Ring!mun. She's planning to keep the character around and not have any repeat of 'throw him into Mount Doom' -- at least for the immediate future. She's still having too much fun. She's hoping that everyone just enjoys fighting with the various Nazgul for a while, and hopes that there will be a sort a stalemate in which both the good guys and bad guys each get to win some/lose some. Ring champions and Nazgul may change faces as various people decide to play or not play.
That makes sense to me. I think that there is still a lot of mileage in the Ring plot, overall. So long as people are having fun with it, there's no sense in changing anything. However, it does seem like there is no need for any real organized 'Fellowship' against the Ring itself, since it won't allow itself to be destroyed. Therefore, for the time being, Jack Sparrow isn't going to put out a call for a Fellowship. He'll going to back off. He'll still play around the edges of the Ring plotline if called on by others, but I don't think he'll be doing any leading.
I also chatted with BugsandDaffy mun, and was told that the B5 characters are still interested in going after the Ring somehow. Maybe the Ring will end up in outer space for a spell while the Vorlons and the Shadows fight over it.