New fics!!

Aug 30, 2013 16:23

Title: Heaven Scent
Author/Artist: almond_joyz
Rating: R
Pairing(s): Harry/Ginny
Word Count: 2751
Warnings (if any):
Summary: Something's up with Ginny. Harry likes it.
Author/Artist notes: Written for 2013 hp_porninthesun in which I won "Best Het Award" which completely threw me for a loop. Enjoy!

Title: We're Not Dating
Author: Almond_Joyz
Pairing: Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley
Summary: Things weren't supposed to be this difficult, were they?
Rating: NC17
Length: 6947 plus 879 in bonus material.
Author Note: I wrote this for Smuuty Claus in 2012 and forgot to post this. I also wrote a sort of outtake from Harry's POV, which is included as bonus material.
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