The Meta, It Burns (aka Loki: in your dimensions, being all ubiquitous)

Jul 01, 2012 11:44

So I'm singing this aria and in it, Abigaille learns that she, a child of slaves, was adopted as a tiny child by Nabucco, King of Babylon.

Yup - adopted by the king of the people her parents were at war with/conquered by.

She's smart, a loyal daughter, a warrior, a sister to a rather dim "true" (ie blood) princess, Fenena.

And then it all starts to go to hell, after she finds out her origin and why the crown was given to her younger sister when their father "loses his reason" (ie has a psychotic break of some sort and is largely absent).

And she decides to bring down her wrath on everyone and bugger the consequences.

Now, tell me if I'm reading this wrong, but:


I need to find a green performance frock.

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