I bought this book and the little soft house shoes (the third last image) made me go "hmmmm".
(There has been epic craft-book buying of late: I think my subconscious is trying to tell me something...)
I usually need to have a recipient in mind,so decided to make them for Miss Melinda to take to Japan with her for her latest trip. Don't want them thinking we just wander around in our socks!
And although the linen and gingham was very cute, I had some kawaii fabric with adorable Miffy-like bunnies on it. Linen and gingham: purleeze.
ETA: I have put all the image-heaviness under a cut - sorry sorry, where are my intarwebs manners - it was 2am and I don't often do the picspamming......
And the process was long and sort of tedious (it always is the first time you make something, especially when you're diving back into the book every two minutes) but the end result was worth it - I done made some slippers!
I even made a bag for the shoes to travel in:
And here they are as a set:
And just because I'm totally showing off here:
And then I presented them to Melinda,who was delighted:
EXCEPT THE SHOES WERE ABOUT AN INCH TOO SHORT. BOTHER. The pattern said "up to size 8" - except I think they meant "almost very nearly just sort of touching the line but not going to far - more like seven and seven-eighths...".
So, these shoes become the Prototype and I'll need to enlarge the pattern and make her a new pair for her return, when she will be sad and missing the kyuuuuuto.
dammit dammitdammit so near and yet so far!
On the upside - totally broke my crafting drought.....
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