Jul 31, 2005 20:28
woow. sorry i havnt updated in a while. ill make this quick. even though i have wayy to much to sayy-
wednesday: brittany and i walked to mighty taco and wegamans. and hung out for a bit. then jessica came and picked us up and brittany, kellie, and dee dee came back to my house. well it was pretty boring there so we didnt stay too long lol. so we wlkd up to the corner of auxaire and hopkins and sat for a whille.....and brittany showed her i <3 soccer under wear to some cars. hahaha--after tht, jessica picked us up again and we went to marshalls and tried on a bunch of ghetto clothes. lol it was hilarious. soo thenn we went bak to britts for a bit. kellie and dee dee went home :( and then britt slept over. lol we had a little too mcuh fun............;)
thursday: we slept in till about 1ish. and wtched t and ate breakfast and stuff. at like 4 we wlkd to andersons-longest walk ive ever taken in my life- so anywas. we eat there. then i went home. and slept becasue i was tired.
friday: welllllll i went tosarahs house to practice our music since wer playing at miss clements wedding on thursday. we reherased and hung out. and we have to more wedding gigs tht we auditioned for and got! hah. cool. soo at three i went home and packed and showered. and at like 6 brittany picked me up and we went out to dinner. then we (mom, dad, her, me) drove to pennsylvania for the weekedn for a family reunion.--->im not part of the family fyi. soo we stopped at a rest stop half way through the trip and and brittany saw her freind there. it was the weirdest thing. because we wer so far away from home. hahahahah it was soo ironic. then we watched dvd and once we got to the hotel we hung out and we also went to the stairs so britt could make a phone call, and the manager opned up the door, and we wer scared we wer gonna get in trouble, so i strted to run, and ended up tripping and fell down the stairs. lol it was sorta funny. the manager was just like "woahh dont run, im cool, im cool."
saturday: we went to the family reunion. me and britt wer so bored until her like third cousin showed up. her names justine and shes 18. she was hilarious. lol she was drunk and saying the funniest things...thenn we went canoeing and basially fell in- it was fun. after we came home--went swimming...made hilarious videos. made fools of our selves. it was grand.
so yeahhhh justine was supposed topick us tht night to hang out-----and she never called. ehh. :-/
sunday: we woke up early and went to brunch at this other hotel. it was really nice there. thenn we wer on our way home. i basically slept the whole way. and im still tired.
so over all this weekend was pretty darn funn. theers more but just to much to explain. so i dont wanna bore you with every detail of my life. lol.