Sep 12, 2007 20:37
Real life has been utter rubbish lately, and I've been neglecting lj a lot (I do feel guilty- it's just that I haven't been updating- I swear I've been reading my flist regularly, if I don't comment, it's because I'm a quiet sort of person, really). Everything has just been a... hurricane, seriously. There's a lot to do and not such time. Actually, I feel terrible about myself because the only reason I'm updating today is because I won't be able to come here for a good two to three weeks. Workpile is ridiculously high and a week later, I have to go for a short overseas trip, which means, not much possibility of easily accessible internet.
So, hiatus.
I dare say I'll be back around the start of October though, God knows I can't keep away :D If I don't comment on your journal for an awfully long time, I apologise.