Last night's dream was maybe the most haunting I have had in a long time. I dunno why but recently I've been having more strange dreams.
I know that for the first half it was just Michelle, Jenni, and I just hanging out like normal. There was nothing unusual, and it was so vague I couldn't even tell you what we were doing. Like we all know...dreams change to different dreams, so another one started after the first with basicly the same thing but alot more clearer. It was so clesr I could tell you what everyone was wearing and the details in their face. The first thing that happened was a call which my mother picked up. I couldn't really see her face because the scene changed so fast, but...the person on the other side was Jenni's mother telling us that Jenni got into a wreck and was now in the Hospital.
The next scene was something I didn't want to see in full detail. The first thing I heard was the ring of a heart monitor going flat with a single red line going across the screne. The first thing I thought was "Oh no she is dead"...and I thought this even before the surroundings adjusted. When it did adjust I was in a hospital room that was small and dark. It didn't seem like an actual Hospital but more of a research facility for lab rats. Jenni was on a surgery bed, but I couldn't recognize her. There was medical machinery connected to every part of her body from head to toe. It truly was freightening. The whole time I screamed and pleaded for someone to save her...anyone. The determination to see her wake up was astonishing even in a dream. I had my hands together and for some reason I was begging more to God then anyone. That always seemed to happen in my dreams...I , for some reason, always ask the heavens for help in some drastic way, but they never really did anything.
My plee caused a reaction to her though...like my will to want her to live some how caused her to want to wake up for me. The sign of her life didn't help me at all feel better. Her heart rate wasn't regular at all so I was still begging with all my heart. I was ,this time, truly dissapointed in the good of angels. The doctor didn't seem to care at all nor was he any help. The dream was out of logic and reason ofcourse and to the apparent change in Jenni he instucted us to leave to make her feel better. Before I did go I walked up to Jenni to see her...and I suppose that was the most sad part of what I remember. She had tubes in her mouth and nose with her head wrapped as she kept nudging her head at me trying to respond. It was almost like a dying dog, and what I remember most clearly was her blank eyes. She was totally lost within her own world.
Suddenly, I too was hopsitalized, but not in the same way. I had a grayish green hospital gown that looked like fresh blood from the lighting in the room. There was an IV connected to me, but there wasn't medicine in the bag. Instead there was blood. It was my mother who took my hand and walked me to the nearest table. There I sat in tears trying to overcome what situation I was in unlike everyone else.
The next thing was most likely the most distubing...so disturbing I don't even want to write this down. From somewhere in the room I heard someone vomit. I didn't know where, but I could see it and hear it and the fluid reminded me more of blood and agony.
The whole time I was seeing two versions of myself. As if through one eye I saw the outside of me...and through the other I was seeing through my own eyes. The girl...me...the one I saw sitting there fainted and then the one seeing through my eyes woke up in a different room. It was a big square bathroom with green tiles stained with blood. Bechind me was a stained bathtub and from behind it I could hear my sister speak through the yellow curtains.
She said "Does this mean Kiomi is dead?"
Kiomi in the eyes of my sister and me is a person that symbolizes hope. She was guidance...or goodness that we would both try to reach. Once she said this it occured to me she was responded to my dissappointment or greif.
In the middle of the floor lay a dead body of a person wrapped up in a bloody blanket with black hair. I knew she wanted me to walk to the body, but instead I yelled out.
"None of this is real! None of this is happening! No one is really dead...it's all fake!"
When i said the the blanket started to rise and grow like it was about to come to me, but then I spotted my sister sitting on the bathtub's edge looking down at me.
"Don't worry, Heather. This is just a teast."
I seemed confused.
"A test....? Another one..."
And then I woke up. The strange thing was when I woke up I wasn't really frightened. I was just happy that the dream wasn't true more then anything...
Wow my dream last night was so wacky.
Ok characters: Women with narrow eyes and weird black hair.
Small cheerful girl with bubble hair.
Roy mustang looking like John stewart.
Me: as riza hawkeye.
Alright it starts off with my group trying to defeat the weird girl with black hair because of some weird cospiracy...and she was really hard to beat..lol(oh and we were fighting at a water park). Well anways, when we beat her she told us about this disease that turns you into like some monster. Well next thing I remember we were all in this one room trying to figure out a way to cure it...when a voice on a speaker told us that the disease or virus was going to go through our rooms on a invisible train. The doors closed automaticly, and I closed my ears. I guess that was the right thing to do because I thought it was just a dream and fell asleep. When I woke up I went to my company...which was some really tall pretty building. As I was walking up the stairs I saw the big pile of gloop walking up with a guy helping it. It was all purple wearing a business suit with a pearl necklace. I ran up to it thinking it must have been someone from my group, so I asked who that girl was(or well..it was a girl at one point). The guy said,
"Her necklace would fit you". and well..I guess with that answer it meant that the gloom glob person was ablout my age. I dunno how I got that from a necklace but oh well. I walked up to Roy's office watching yellow globs walk around with people helping them...I'm guessing the yellow ones were guys. Thats kinda weird also because the disease only effected guys...O_o
I walking up to roy and sat down at his desk making a box with my fingers.
"Your on the camera sir," I said sarcasticly," How do you feel about your partners being turned into sticky blobs?"
Well he din really respond to that and sent me to his other room to sign a paper..and when I did...he was gone. The last thing I remember before michelle waking me up was
OK its been a while since I have had any interesting dreams, but today I have two to tell.
A few days ago I had a Death Note dream which was really weird. I dun think alot of people know what that is..but its a manga...and I read too much of it that night. Basicly Kira(a killer) was my brother, and L(detective) was really suspicious about him. If you dunno L...he is my fave character from DN. My parents of course didn't know who Kira was but knew he was dangerous, so they made me and my sister stay in Kevin's room. We couldn't get out because they thought that if we did we might die. Well this was the part(in the manga if this dream were in it) where L was so suspicious he would have full watch on Kira. That means he follows him also. lol...that was my fave part cause that meant I could talk to L...hahaha. OIh yeah and to tell you..Kira is Raito..so I had two brothers. Its not like I am saying Kevin is Kira because that would be so fakey I would fake up just from it being fakey. The dream got kind of scary later because L got the death Note and just started to kill ANYONE. If you were suspicious of being kira, or wasn't even kira...you would be killed. >.> <.<
Tonight I had a dream about my grandma being ice cream. She began to turn evil and made the ice cream tasteless. Thats all I remember from that dream.
Last dream was sad in a way...because I know why I had it...
Well I was in "Heaven"...if you read my story you'd know what that is. I was with Sam and Oscar...of course cause they are on of the main characters. No one else was in this because well..it was based on my story. I was for some reason in Silvia's house...and her mom was skinny and evil. Her master plan was to make some sort of "Garden for her dead love". Well her husband was some sort of devil...which is odd cause in the story:
1. he was alive.
2. he was no devil.
The first thing I randomly remembered from the dream was that I was sitting on SIlvia's bed watching two ghost demon dogs fight o__o. After that the first person I walked with was Oscar. While we were walking he turned around and grabbed my arm trying to take me to the mom...so basically he totally betrayed me. I got free from him and ran, but he had Spirit powers O_o. Luckily I also passed that and ran to Sam. Sam betrayed me too! Unlike Oscar he was alot more powerfuk..he could use his shadow to catch me. I dunno how but I was able to get out of all of his shadows and ran to Silvia's house. There I sat with the mother and chatted with her(Apparently at that moment I din know she was evil). Well she some how burnt her hand on some fire and took out a fire ball from another pit of fire and put it into water to cure her hand. Well that made some weird Ice...which she used to make the garden. Her whole house looked like a underground water cave which was flooded. I was swimming everywhere to get out and then woke up.
The reason why I had the dream was because:
a. I thought of Heaven before I slept.
b. I don't trust my friends nearly as much anymore...
I am not sure why Sam is in there..but...I guess my mind doesn't trust anyone anymore...
We were all living in this hotel in the sky. It was cylinder shape with a cone on top. It has tanish bricks with beach trees sticking out of it. It was huge, but only had 3 stories. You couldn't get out of this hotel, but once you got to the 1st floor there was no exit. There was this huge room where kids bounced off a HUGE bean bag pillow thing. We were allsupposed to watch them or something. The land lady was really mean, and wore way too much make up. I went to her room to ask her something, but she got mad because she said she was watching a movie during lunch. The movie she was watching was about some cartoon mice...but she scared me out before I could watch it. At the end of the dream I remember that I had to kill a airport waiter and a stripper wearing red by throwing one out the window and throwing the other in a this really big herizontal brown ring that acting like a washer that would throw you across the world if you went into it. Well I had to kill these two woman in order to escape the hotel...I am not sure why I wanted to leave so bad
Me and all my friends went to a dance where everyone were wearing black or red. It was cool because it seemed like a spanish dance in a way...the dresses flown well and we danced around with each other. Everyone was so pretty, and might I may add...Sam looks really good in a black and red suit. I din have a dress however so I had to go get one.
The next dream was about J'en having to take care of a baby that she hated. I was with her and was helping her out as she ran around the house trying to get away from it. Well for some reason we fell into a mud pool with the baby. The baby turned into a fat dog that kinda looked like Jenni's dog. The poor dog was so fat he could barely walk, so I took care of it.
Dream 1: In dream one we were all living in one house..AGAIN....and there when we went outside we saw johnny depp...which was like wow. We talked to Johnny depp throughout the whole dream..which I have to say is a pretty weird dream..even though it was short.
Dream 2: We were all in the mall....and when I mean all...I mean everyone in my school...and it was kinda of like a end of the year party. We were in this one really big store/area with a bunch of flirbies in box(I think thats what they are called..lil..evil looking talking things)were stacked against the wall with name tags on them. Every flirby was deticated to a kid from my school, and it had characteristics and memoires. Well me and this one girl walked into this room and as we did the lights went dark. Right after that a guy in a green dinosaur suit was dancing and singing infront of everyone like a kids show. Its like Chucky Cheese..but the guy was green. Well for some reason I ran back in order to get my flirby to leave, and knocked over the dinosaur guy. Suddenly all these mall police people started to try and arrest me. The girl that was with me yelled at me to run, so I did. I ran all through the mall with mall police trying to tackle me. Once I was out of the mall the mall people lost me so I started to walk in order not to look suspicious. I started to look around for dad's car but couldn't find it in the parking lots. I walked around for a while and spotted my brother's old green car. The weird part about that...is my brother's car caught on fire in real life...well I guess cars can be fixed in dreams. Dad drove by me and motioned for me to get in. When I looked in about 20 people from my school were all crunched in. I had to crawl through the window and sat on the floor. We drove back to my house for a whew hours and then we went to the desert. In the desert my sister was talking to an indian when the mall people attacked again. They thought she was me and arrested her. My sister as she was walking to the car...turned into an african american.