if you're good to mama, mama's good to you.

Jun 13, 2008 09:25

I am fucking hell sore. Weight training is hard, especially if you're a shrimpy-shrimp-shrimp like me. But on the happy side, I think I may have possibly seen a bicep this morning. Possibly. I hadn't had any coffee yet, which leaves me prone to illusions of grandeur.

I am headed up to the trail in a bit to practice and see how far I get before my lungs collapse. Altitude+mountain+June Sun = Dead Billy. Well, hopefully when search and rescue is air lifting me off the trail, some hunky search and rescue fella will touch my arm and tell his hot co-searcher, "hey - check out this guys bicep. its a gun show."  Then I will die happy.

Pride parade tomorrow. I am gonna be there. After brunch of course. *clink* happy gayness y'all.
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