"and you go home, and you cry, and you want to die"

Oct 01, 2003 00:15



Bustamante can't beat Arnold. The only possible way to keep Arnold out is to keep Davis in. It's over.

[Begin Rant]

Arnold commercial

"I don’t accept special interest money."

That’s a lie! [See LA TIMES article]

"Some of the other candidates pandered to Indian Gaming to fund their campaign. I think this is deplorable. You can count on me never to do that. In fact, I think it’s time that Indian Gaming starts paying its FAIR share."

Right Arnold. Because history has always been so FAIR with them. And speaking of which, I’m not even sure it’s legal for you to touch that money. Sovereign nations, my friend. Actually, I’m not really worried about you touching the casino money to balance the budget. Too much stands in your way with regard to that. Your promise disturbs me though. Not so much because you’re promising something you can’t deliver (you’re not the first, and you certainly won’t be the last to do that), but more so because I know your unfulfillable promise has an appeal that will definitely resonate with the naïve and uniformed masses thirsty for a balanced budget at as little expense to themselves. You’re manipulating ignorance, and it makes me sick.

And just so you don’t come off thinking you’re all original, Gray Davis had this exact same idea earlier this year! He’s since rescinded support of it. I reject your premise that Indian Gaming has a responsibility to help California, but to be fair, I should give you a chance to rebut.

Arnold: "I want to help (gaming tribes) build it from a $5 billion industry to a $10 billion industry ... Let them increase the amount of slot machines. Boom, let their business go crazy. But let them participate and help us...It's not even an extra tax. It's just, be fair about this and just come in and give the state some money (September 26, 2003)."

There’s that "fair" word again! You make it all sound so simple, Arnold. So let me get this straight. You want Indian Gaming to make more money so you can take it, but it’s not a tax. I don’t care what kind of agreement gaming casinos in Connecticut have with their state legislature. What do you plan on offering Indian Gaming in return? The satisfaction of balancing the budget? You’re just saddling them down with a liability!

You’re an arrogant little prick, did you know that, Arnold? Yeah, that’s right. I called you little. What are you gonna do about it? You gonna rough me up, huh? In case you were wondering, it was me who threw the egg at you. I’d do it again too. You used to be the spokesman for HUMMER, eh? Well I’m a member of the Earth Liberation Front (http://www.latimes.com/news/printedition/opinion/la-oe-sale29sep29,1,7845123.story). I’m the surrogate daughter of Arianna Huffington. You see how we’re at odds with each other?

Admit that you’re just as unsavory as the other candidates!
Admit that you race-bait just as much as they do!
Admit that you really have no idea what you’re talking about!

Geez! You wouldn’t even attend a debate unless they GAVE you the questions beforehand. Come now, Arnold. You’re a demagogue and you know it. I only wish everyone else knew it too (*cries*).
[/End Rant]
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