Craziness Beyond All Comprehension

Jan 13, 2006 19:38

It seems Jack Thompson's been upping the ante on the degree of absolutely-fucking-bonkers behavior he exhibits when there isn't a camera in his face. And I missed a lot of it. Oh well. I'll just comment here.

On his attempt at destroying copies of "25 To Life" and claiming it's legal: Even he knows it's not, he just likes to antagonize us. It's easy to forget that, and I'm guilty of it as well. He also doesn't care. I'm guessing he's either throwing his career away or has some trick up his sleeve that he's going to use when the hammer comes down. And it will. You cannot destroy property under that statute unless it actually poses a provable or proven danger, not because someone just thinks it will. After spewing so much bull shit, Jack seems to have forgotten he hasn't actually proven games to be harmful. Or he just doesn't care. Hard to tell with such a maniacal person.

On his recent religious ramblings: I have to admit I've seen worse. And really, like a lot of things he says, it's his way of pulling down his pants and waving his ass at everybody, like the fucking juvenile he always claims we are. His faith is a shield from the realization that he's a total failure at his profession. Nothing more.

On his blaming of the bum-beatings that happened in Florida on games: Not really that surprising. Dispicable as all hell, but not that surprising, which just makes it worse. Jack frequently jumps into things without knowing all the facts. In fact, most of the time, that's the only way he can justify doing so. [And I use the term "justify" very loosely here.] There appears to be even less of a relation between the actions of total retards/psychos and any video game in this case than never before. Something tells me Jack's going to claim he has an "inside source" that "told him all about it", like he's done before.

On his claim that Paul Eibeler's going to jail: Wishful thinking on Jack's part. Nothing more.

On hius persistant threats against us in regards to annoying him over the internet: His denseness knows no bounds, it appears.

PS: All you people emailing me anonymously and annoying me: a) you're committing a criminal act, by virtue of a new federal law,

Not if they're foreigners. Which a lot of GP visitors are.

and b) I have your identities by virtue of software I have.

This is a man who has frequent trouble working his email system. I don't know what kind of software one would use to identify people, or if Jack has such things, but I guarantee you he doesn't know how to use it.

Nice going, geniuses. The last kid who did this got sent to jail in Houston.

He threatened to kill you. We've shown you how wrong you are. Big difference.

By the way:

Fuck you Jack Thompson. Fuck you up your fucking ass you stupid motherfucker.


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