I'm jealous cos you got a pic taken with the whole group :O lol, awww don't worry about that, I'm still waiting for you to finish your vampire fic, your on like chapter 18 right? I want to read it and comment it all when you've finished :P
They're so nice, and their cute attempts at English<3 and Ryo's obnoxious SIT! XD Sorry ^^:; Haha well I have up to 25 planed out and its still not done yet ^^;; Long one this time O_O I think its 19 now XD I actually resorted to writing a RukixReita fic... shocking, I know O_O
Haha, have you seen this video with their English attempts? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGQ5xEQR5i4 Blimey! Thats gona be really fun to read ^_^ Oooo a RukixReita fic sounds interesting :P Did you need a break from Alice Nine? lol. I've got to post chapter 5 of my SatoxRyo fic soon :D
Yes! I so cracked up the entire time during that video XDDD Well, least you wont be bored for a little bit! lol. Yeah, it's tricky since I usually dislike that pairing XD I don't mind Alice Nine, still love it, just reallllyyy am all "RUKI RUKI RUKI" lately LOL Yay~!
Aww they try bless em lol! I like Ryo's 'Pray is good song, please listen, yeh' followed by lots of giggling! Too much a sexy dork!!! What like 25 chapters? I'll be in heaven! Aww the little diva chibi still owns your heart ^_^ he's awesome <3
Satoshi at the concert was talking about the earthquake relief cept it came out "asscrack relief", oh dear it was so cute XD <3 More than 25, I just have up to 25 planed so far lol. He will forever own my heart<3 -melts-
Hahaha! Awww at least he had a go, did Ryo say anything English on stage? He didn't here, it was just Satoshi and Shuu but they spoke really well especially Shuu :D More than 25?! Whaaaaaaaat?!? Ok It will definately been fun to read ^_^ Thats so sweet, I think Ryo will own mine too, but he has to share with Tora :P
It was too cute XD No, well for the photo he like gestured to the seat and was all SIT! Oh yeah for the random English things he was screaming out Shuu did do well lol. Haha yeah its going to be long O_O They have half a heart a piece, cute~
Blimey! Thats gona be really fun to read ^_^ Oooo a RukixReita fic sounds interesting :P Did you need a break from Alice Nine? lol. I've got to post chapter 5 of my SatoxRyo fic soon :D
Well, least you wont be bored for a little bit! lol. Yeah, it's tricky since I usually dislike that pairing XD I don't mind Alice Nine, still love it, just reallllyyy am all "RUKI RUKI RUKI" lately LOL Yay~!
What like 25 chapters? I'll be in heaven! Aww the little diva chibi still owns your heart ^_^ he's awesome <3
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