Making up for lack of PE

Oct 04, 2007 23:19

Wow, I've been going to the gym like every day. Tuesday: 1 hr. Weight Training. Wednesday: 2 hr. Wushu club. Thursday: 1 hr. Weight training and 2 hr. Yoga club. Tomorrow: 2 hr. Wushu.

My body is really sore from doing Wushu for the first time. If I attend every weight training class, yoga club and wushu club meeting, it would come to almost 12 hours per week of working out (unless meetings end early). I'm not sure whether or not this is overload for someone who's been pretty inactive for a while and wants to just get in shape, or if this is unhealthy for any person. But it's pretty awesome so far.

That, other student life stuff and studies have been consuming a huge percentage of my time. We'll see how this keeps up. :p Or rather, how I keep up.

health, life, school

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