(21:56:29) cuddl3cor3: serious businessesss
(21:56:40) GowdeyNMC: ohhhhhhhhhh????//
(21:56:59) cuddl3cor3: serious business
(21:57:11) c wra1th: ?
(21:57:49) cuddl3cor3: ya know.... serious business
(21:57:57) c wra1th: nope...
(22:04:28) cuddl3cor3: ;_;
(22:04:41) c wra1th: I'm very confused... :(
(22:05:02) cuddl3cor3: hehe. I guess that's expected!!
(22:05:06) cuddl3cor3: i'm just being bored
(22:05:09) c wra1th: Ah
(22:05:17) c wra1th: In that case, I shan't worry. :)
(21:57:05) cuddl3cor3: serious business
(21:57:13) sstrunks102xx: sup
(21:57:33) cuddl3cor3: nm just serious business
(21:58:42) sstrunks102xx: lol okay
(22:04:45) sstrunks102xx: um....non serious business
(22:04:52) sstrunks102xx: *shrugs*
(22:05:18) cuddl3cor3: xD
(21:57:11) cuddl3cor3: serious business
(21:57:26) Stefan Is Legit: SRS BIZ
(21:57:58) cuddl3cor3: :D
(21:58:07) cuddl3cor3: serious business
(21:58:15) caffeinatedmajin: yes?
(21:59:04) cuddl3cor3: hi ^_^;
(21:58:18) cuddl3cor3: serious business
(21:58:23) HeavensClone: what's up?
(21:58:36) HeavensClone: is something wrong?
(21:58:37) cuddl3cor3: ... serious business ^ ^;
(21:58:42) HeavensClone: ...?
(21:58:46) cuddl3cor3: hehe
(21:58:49) cuddl3cor3: nevermind XD
(21:58:58) HeavensClone: ...trying to figure out how people will react?
(21:58:59) HeavensClone: XP
(21:59:40) cuddl3cor3: Yes :P
(21:58:28) cuddl3cor3: serious business
(21:58:33) GoshaDole: k
(22:00:42) GoshaDole: ???
(22:01:43) cuddl3cor3: x)
(22:02:03) GoshaDole: k
(22:00:49) cuddl3cor3: dukamok i mean serious business
(22:01:05) cuddl3cor3: well, now that doesn't sound right
(22:01:27) JJK Justin: Ryan Iyengar
(22:01:58) cuddl3cor3: ELISA
(22:02:07) Iamabakaroba: huh?
(22:03:31) cuddl3cor3: ;-; hehe nvm
(22:03:40) Iamabakaroba: hahaha
(22:03:43) Iamabakaroba: you're crazy
(22:02:09) cuddl3cor3: Serious business, god.
(22:02:19) GOD the NIG: lol
(22:02:24) cuddl3cor3: serious business
(22:02:45) capnpetekun: huh?
(22:03:14) cuddl3cor3: serious business ;-;
(22:03:32) capnpetekun: um, yeah.....
(22:04:00) capnpetekun: who the fuck is this?
(22:08:09) cuddl3cor3: haha
(22:08:12) cuddl3cor3: oh.
(22:08:14) cuddl3cor3: this is phylicia.
(22:08:25) capnpetekun: oh, okay
(22:08:27) cuddl3cor3: you forgot my aim sn for like the second time
(22:08:34) cuddl3cor3: ;_;
(22:02:20) cuddl3cor3: serious business
(22:09:24) ssbmbru: whats that?
(22:10:42) cuddl3cor3: it's something I can't describe with words.
(22:11:02) ssbmbru: oO how do you expect to tell me oO
(22:11:08) ssbmbru: or is it a feeling?
(22:11:19) cuddl3cor3: it's probably a feeling o__o
(22:11:36) ssbmbru: haha I like how you used probably
(22:11:42) ssbmbru: Well describe
(22:11:50) ssbmbru: does it feel like excitment or what?
(22:17:14) cuddl3cor3: maybe :C